Legal Fee Financing With Pay Later

Pay Later, formerly ClientCredit, is a legal fee financing solution powered by Affirm and exclusively available through LawPay. With Pay Later, you can receive the full invoiced amount at the start of an engagement while allowing clients to pay their legal fee loans over time in automated installments.

legal fee financing with LawPay's Pay Later

Get paid now, let your clients pay later.

More Reliable Cash Flow

Pay Later, previously ClientCredit, helps mitigate the risk of late and non-payments. Your firm receives the total invoiced amount upfront, while clients get an automated payment plan that meets their financial needs.

Faster Payments

With traditional legal fee funding, you receive multiple smaller deposits. Allowing clients to use Pay Later means you can secure your full requested amount in advance.

Better Client Acquisition

Adopting an online payment solution that enables you to offer flexible payment options such as credit, debit, eCheck, and legal fee financing instantly makes your firm more appealing to potential clients.


Improve your collection rate and decrease outstanding accounts receivable

Pay Later, formerly ClientCredit, enables you to easily accommodate the evolving payment preferences of modern legal clients and cut down on time spent chasing after overdue invoices.

Offer clients a more flexible payment experience

Rather than having to find a way to pay one large lump sum, your clients can use legal fee funding to secure legal representation and still allocate funds for other expenses.

Increase your pool of prospective clients

Pay Later opens up access to legal representation for people who want an alternative to credit cards. It’s also an attractive option for prospective clients who have a credit card but would prefer not to charge a large amount.

Get more time back in your day

Along with giving you the power to offer automated legal fee financing through Pay Later, LawPay simplifies and streamlines the overall invoicing process and makes it easier for your clients to pay.

Pay Later Testimonials

Offering Pay Later often makes the difference in a client's decision to choose our firm. This feature aligns perfectly with our mission to provide quality legal services to as many people as possible, removing financial hurdles and fostering a more inclusive approach to legal aid.

- Troy Cupps, Office Manager of Diana Cupps Law

Read LawPay reviews on G2

Want to see what else LawPay users have to say about our solutions? You can check out more reviews on our G2 page.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is legal fee financing?

What is the difference between legal fee financing and payment plans?

Why should I offer legal fee funding with Pay Later?

How does my law firm receive funds?

Are there any consequences to my law firm if the borrower doesn’t pay their loan for attorney fees?

How and when will I be paid with legal fee financing?

Is Pay Later different from ClientCredit?

What is the legal fee financing application process for my clients? How quickly do they get a response?

Is there a transaction size limit for Pay Later? Is this a line of credit or tied to the specific transaction?

Can Pay Later be used for payments into trust (IOLTA) accounts?

Is there any cost to the law firm related to Pay Later? Can I pass this fee on to my client?

How do refunds work with Pay Later?

Does the American Bar Association (ABA) have a stance on legal fee financing?

How do I let my clients know about Pay Later loans for attorney fees?

How do I get Pay Later?

Can a client apply for a pay later loan using a device belonging to the firm?

Additional Resources

Explore more LawPay features

From multiple easy ways to get paid, reporting and reconciliation features, and top notch data security, we've got you covered.

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