Online Payments
Trust Your Transactions to the Professionals

The process of accepting credit cards doesn’t have to be confusing and difficult. There are many factors to consider including the kind of customer service and support you will receive after you choose a payment provider. To ease the process of choosing the best provider, seek the advice and support of professionals.
When choosing a payment solution, be sure to check if the provider you are considering employs Certified Payment Professionals (CPPs). You want to be sure that you are working with a company that possesses the knowledge and expertise to recommend the best and most appropriate payment processing solution for your law firm. Not only do CPPs enhance the companies they work for and the experience for customers they support, they benefit the payments industry as a whole. Payment service providers can offer more specialized services with more confidence, making it easier than ever for customers and firms looking for professional services to identify the experts.
The ETA CPP certification program is an exam-based payroll certification attained by individuals who have demonstrated the skills and knowledge required to perform at the top level in today’s world of electronic payments. Prior to sitting for the exam, a CPP candidate must verify employment in the payments industry preceding the exam date. The CPP examination ensures that each applicant is:
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With increasing governmental scrutiny and regulation, as well as compliance requirement security, today’s payment professionals need to have a wealth of technical skills and knowledge. CPP certification requires a high-level of assimilation sales, pricing, interchange, business process, operations and workflow, products and solutions, risk, regulatory, compliance, and security matters as well.
Due to the ever-changing landscape of the payments industry, CPPs are required to pursue continuing education credits for recertification every three years. Candidates must earn 36 credits of continuing education. Approved activities include attending industry related seminars, conferences, and workshops as well as college or university courses. Additionally, CPPs can earn credit as a lecturer or speaker on industry-related topic areas, publish articles, or participate on ETA or other industry related organization committees.
LawPay proudly boasts 17 Certified Payment Professionals and counting of our 50 employees. We encourage employees from all departments to strive for the certification. The honor of CPP demonstrates our commitment to professionalism and continued education. When selecting your payment provider you want someone you can trust. Check the ETA registry to see if your payments processing solution representative is a Certified Payments Professional.